Little postie
Little postie

little postie

And, no, it’s not just cartoons…some dogs are damn scary, and they HATE THE MAIL CARRIER. Also, sorting out all the mail, packets, parcels and flyers takes longer than you might think, and some days your forever just getting ready to hit the road. What else? Oh! Some people order, like, a bazillion things online, and you get to know them because you see them with parcels day after day. (Sometimes grown-ass adults point at my hair!) I am now recognized by some folks all over the city Sometimes small children point as my hair. I totally meet lots of cool people and adorable porch-sitting kitty cats. (I also know that I CANNOT keep well-organized if I’m hungry!) If I am not taking care of myself, it will definitely show on the road.

little postie

Am I thirsty? Am I too hot? Too cold? Do I need more sunscreen? Is something feeling tight in my leg? If any factor gets out of whack, it can quickly become a huge problem. In this way, it actually promotes an intense self-awareness. That’s a promise to myself more than you!)Īt this job, constantly checking in on yourself is a must. It almost starts to feel purely self-indulgent. When I’m tired from work I don’t write very much, and it can be a little mentally tough to be self-motivated enough to work on something you know may never amount to…anything at all. The theory right now is that I’m writing my book as well, but that has been slow-going to say the least. life can be harsh, and those solid weeks of work make it hard to pick up other work things. I can also technically call myself a “professional driver,” which I think is all sorts of ironic for someone who put off even learning for such a long time. I am flat-out better at parking and backing now. I didn’t think I would, but I LOVE driving a great big mail truck! In fact, backing and maneuvering with those has been a great learning experience. Well, some are really Ford Transits with back-up cameras and everything, but some really are big-ass mail trucks with no-such technology. Since the discovery of my imbalance, I make sure to switch carrying arms about equally, and I’m still a little off, but it’s now much better! Just the one.) It was pretty exciting, until I flexed my limp-noodle left arm. Speaking of size, a couple of months after I started I noticed that I was developing a rather superb right bicep. These people are incredibly fast. I console myself with the fact that I can squeeze into smaller spaces, but while that is useful, it’s not as awesome as being a giant, a freaking gazelle, or a giant freaking gazelle! There are also more experienced postal people who seem to have abnormally fast gears. Seriously, there are mail carriers out there who move like gazelles, and who are also tall enough to not have to go up as many stairs to reach the mail boxes. Not that I’ve got anything on some of the really impressive lifers I work with! Yet, here it is, late May, and somehow I’m still here. (Heck, some don’t even make it through the Christmas rush.) The snows and ice of winter made it harder still, and I have weathered a few storms out there. This is not easy, and some temps do not stick around after the Christmas rush. That’s good because some routes have you on your feet and basically walking as fast as you can. I already knew what it felt like to spend considerable time on the road. I think I’m making tremendous use of my distance running experience especially. A good day at work can leave me pretty tired out. This is not a job that I would have been able to perform before I got a little into fitness.

little postie

Work goes quickly, and the pace is very challenging.

little postie

That’s unfortunate, because delivering the mail is sometimes pretty interesting, and there is definitely no such thing as a boring day at work! In fact, I find myself complaining that I typically start my shift, and feel as if I suddenly turn around to find that it’s already 4PM. Definitely some interesting folks in this line of work! Seriously though, it has occurred to me that I haven’t told you guys a single solitary thing about delivering the mail. I fantasize about a ridiculous spoof featuring me and all my crrrrazy postal friends. Man, they newver gave ME a hat like that…

Little postie